Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The User Experience: Field Entry

Building on the example from FMP10TMM where the fields are highlighted as you type into them I started thinking of other ways to display this information to the user.

Usually I am just trying to get the database to do what I want it to do  on a daily bases. Often I forgo making a nice user interface. This is something that needs to be balanced because at some point a clumsy interface will begin to slow you down.

I thought it might be nice to float a window or some other shape containing text while the user was in the field. That sounded a little messy and may get a little cluttered so I thought maybe a status bar might be an idea.

A status bar would allow 1 field to contain the status and then could be scripted to so the status would change based on the field and it contents.
Here is a quick video. If the user clicks the name field and it is empty the status field prompts for an entry. If the name field has data the status field will indicate that the field has been filled. On Object a script is triggered to clear out the status field.

This example uses 2 scripts and 2 script triggers. This is just a quick example but these could be built upon fairly easily I would guess.

Here is an example file.
*Use at your own risk. 
Discover Simple, Private Sharing at Drop.io
Save File: statusfield.fp7

P.S. I am new to blogger so I am trying out all sorts of links, ads, movies, Amazon links, etc. I will settle down once I get rolling.


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